
5 Session Kickstart - From Ashes to Beauty

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5 Session Kickstart - From Ashes to Beauty


Ashes to Beauty - 5 Session Kickstart for Women

(Enjoy at your own pace this recorded training and activation 5 Day workshop complete with handouts.)

Come, be inspired by the stories of several women, enjoy together daily deep dive into Scripture and hearing God together.

Do you have things in your life that feel like dust and ashes?

Come and see what the Lord has for you instead!

The enemy thought he had Jesus trapped, but Resurrection Sunday was coming…

Women: From Ashes to Beauty!

Unpack the depth of what 'ashes' the Lord wants to turn into beauty in your life too.

This is for you, if you are hungry to live in the power, love and healing of Jesus! It’s very personal to me (Merri Ellen Giesbrecht) as my own life story is literally ‘coming from ashes to beauty’ having been suicidal in 2001/02, then coming out of depression and starting to share my story in 2003 to spread hope! My story has now reached 120 countries and over 2 million people.

Overview of the 5 sessions:

Each session we enjoy activations to hear God daily. We launch from Scripture but we invite Jesus to speak to us personally. Each time, this is powerful!

Day 1 – Foundation: Created to Hear God Speak (John 10)

Day 2 – Jesus asks us what we want him to do for us (Mark 10)

Day 3 - Jesus came to turn Ashes in our lives into Beauty (Isaiah 61)

Day 4 - The Great exchange - Jesus took our sins, sorrows and weaknesses and instead gives us healing (Isaiah 53)

Day 5 - Jesus revealed His power first to women (Mark 16)

If you know someone who needs some hope, please share this!

This course includes a FREE copy of my ebook: 6 Powerful Ingredients to Cure Depression (my own research) that has reached 120 countries!

Simply download and begin TODAY :)

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This is for women who are hungry to learn more about the power, love and healing of Jesus! It’s very personal to me (Merri Ellen Giesbrecht) as my own life story is literally ‘coming from ashes to beauty’ having been suicidal in 2001/02, then coming out of depression and starting to share my story in 2003 to spread hope! My story has now reached 120 countries and over 2 million people.

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